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澳大利亚西南威尔士大学TORSTEN THOMAS副教授学术交流

  2014年 9月24日、26日,澳大利亚西南威尔士的TORSTEN THOMAS博士与实验室进行了学术交流。2010年以来,THOMAS博士在海绵细菌组学方面开展了深入的研究,在PNAS、ISME等杂志上发表了多篇高水平的文章。

  THOMAS博士于24日下午1:30-3:00做了“Bacteria-sponge symbiosis - a complex love story”的精彩的学术报告;学院王凤平、徐俊、白林泉教授等也参加了讨论。26日下午2:00-4:15与实验室共同组织了一场关于海绵共生微生物的SEMINAR,冯国芳、刘放两位博士生,孙伟助理研究员分别介绍了自己的工作,与THOMAS博士进行了热烈的讨论。

报告题目: Bacteria-sponge symbiosis - a complex love story
报告人:Dr. Torsten Thomas
Associate Professor
School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences & Centre for Marine Bio-Innovation
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052,Australia
报告时间:9月24号(星期三) 13:30-15:30
Marine sponges form intimate relationships with complex communities of bacterial symbionts. This symbiosis is essential for the survival, function and ecology of the sponge host, yet the underlying factors that determine specificity and stability of sponge-bacteria interactions are not well understood. Here I will present two new developments in the field. Firstly, I will introduce the global effort of the Sponge Earth Microbiome Project that aims to describe the bacterial diversity for thousands of sponge samples using high-throughput DNA sequencing. This project will address fundamental questions of host specificity and how environmental factors or biogeography shape the bacterial diversity in sponges. Secondly, I will present the discovery and description of new molecular factors, so called eukaryotic-like proteins (ELPs), that appear to mediate symbiotic interactions between bacteria and sponges. These ELPs are produced by symbiotic bacteria in sponges and have the ability to manipulate cellular behaviour of eukaryotic cells. As these ELPs are also found in other bacterial symbionts they might represent a general way for bacteria to mediate interactions with host cells.
Dr. Torsten Thomas简介:
Torsten Thomas holds a MSc (1996) from the University of Bonn  (Germany) and a 
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