实验室李志勇教授与中国海洋大学王长云教授受邀作为Guest Editor,在国际期刊Processes组织专辑:Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Fermentation and Biosynthesis。欢迎投稿!Marine natural products (MNPs) are important resources for marine drugs. However the production limitation of MNPs represents one of the biggest bottle-neck problems for marine drug development. To date, many achievements have been made in the efficient discovery of novel MNPs, and in the production of MNPs by fermentation and biosynthesis. This Special Issue on “Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Fermentation and Biosynthesis” seeks high-quality works focusing on the latest novel achievements in marine natural products. Topics include, but are not limited to: Novel marine natural products discovery, isolation, identification, and biological activity assay, particularly using new techniques and strategies. The production of natural products from marine microbes by fermentation, in particular by novel microbes; new culture strategies. The biosynthesis of marine natural products (e.g., synthetic biology, biosynthetic pathways, the function of key enzymes).
Prof. Dr. Zhi-Yong Li Prof. Dr. Chang-Yun Wang Guest Editors https://www.mdpi.com/journal/processes/special_issues/marine_products