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欢迎投稿Frontiers in Microbiology-Marine Microbial Symbioses专辑

实验室李志勇教授在Frontiers in Microbiology(IF6.06)组织Marine Microbial Symbioses专辑,欢迎投稿:

“Holobiont” was first used to describe the assemblage of different species that form ecological units, typically symbiosis. Symbiotic relationships between microbes and marine organisms have been found in a variety of marine ecosystems, ranging from shallow coral reefs to deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold spring systems, for example, sponges, corals, sea squirts, and worms all host a variety of unique symbionts.

Marine microbial symbioses provide a way for holobionts to survive in a very dynamic environment by changing metabolic pathways, and a possible selective force behind evolution. The health and survival of marine invertebrates are often dependent on symbiotic microbes, meanwhile, the symbiotic associations of microbes-organism are helpful for the adaptation of marine lower organisms to complex and changing environments. Marine invertebrates such as sponges and corals are experiencing significant declines because of global climate change. Thus, it is particularly important to study the host-microbe interaction and the holobiont’s adaptation to different niches and global climate change.

This research topic welcomes original research articles, reviews, hypotheses and theories, perspectives, and opinion papers dealing with applied scientific aspects of marine microbial symbioses with a focus on the biology and ecology of both the host and the symbiont community in response to changing environments and global climate change, as well as the molecular mechanisms of the interaction between the host and its symbionts.

Marine Microbial Symbioses: Host-Microbe Interaction, Holobiont’s Adaptation to Niches and Global Climate Change | Frontiers Research Topic (frontiersin.org)

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