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2.Li,Z. 2009.Advances in marine symbiontic cyanobacteria. In: Gault , P.M. and Marler, H.J. (eds).Handbook on Cyanobacteria: Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Applications. Nova Science Publishers,New York.(ISBN: 978-1-61668-300-9)2009, pp. 463-472

09Li-book chapter 1.pdf

1.Li,Z. 2009.Application of PCR-DGGE fingerprinting in molecular ecology of marine microbial symbionts. In:  Ovesen,K. and  Matthiesen, U.(eds).DNA: Fingerprinting, Sequencing and Chips. Nova Science Publishers,New York. (ISBN: 978-1-60741-814-6), 2009, pp. 221-229

09Li-book chapter2.pdf


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